(Last updated : 2024-07-23 18:27:08)
  SATO Chie
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Law
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2023/06 Article Revisiting Japan: Whaling after the Withdrawal from the ICRW Völkerrecht Europarecht Deutsches Recht Festschrift für Professor Gilbert Gornig 2,pp.321-340 (Single)  Link
2. 2022/12 Article The Necessity of a Global Legal Framework for Protection of Marine Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Could the BBNJ Agreement Provide the Basis for an Integrated Framework? Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Volume 25 (2021) pp.584-624 (Single) 
3. 2020/12 Article Effective protection of marine living resources in Asia Pacific Region –
What can we learn from the EU experience?” Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Practice  (Single) 
4. 2018/12 Article The Involvement of the UN, including its specialized agencies, in the
progressive development of the rules on the management and conservation of fisheries:
Plurality of initiatives but questionable coherence Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law  (Single) 
5. 2016/03 Article The Proliferation of Marine Protected Areas Under International Law,
European Union Law and Japanese Law Contemporary Issues in Environmental Law  (Single) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2022/11/21 Drawbacks of "EU Taxonomy"for the 2050 Climate-Neutrality Target? (The Challenge and Response of Climate Change andEnergy Law 2022 Round II)
2. 2022/11/18 Possible Impact of Geopolitics on EU's renewable energy law/policy-As an example: Off-shore wind energy- (The Challenge and Response of Climate Change andEnergy Law)
3. 2020/06 Influence of EU legal framework for protection of marine environment over third countries and international Law making (1 ST WORKSHOP OF THE UACES RESEARCH NETWORK "The role of Europe in global challenges: Climate change and Sustainable Development")
4. 2020/05 Necessity of Global Legal Framework for Protection of Marine Environment and the Role of Due Diligence and Effective Implementation of Rule of Law (Ninth Annual Cambridge International Law Conference)
5. 2019/05 Effective Protection of Marine Living Resources in Asia Pacific Region – What Can We Learn from the EU Experience? (ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum)
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. Faculty of Laws, Hitotsubashi University, Graduated,
Degree Acquisition
Hitotsubashi University, Bachelor
3. 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Law, Philipps-Univeritat Marburg, Completed,
4. 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Law, Hitotsubashi University, Completed,
Degree Acquisition
Philipps-Universitat Marburg, Magistra legum (LL.M.)
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■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2024/04~2026/03  Necessity of marine spatial planning to balance ocean use and protection of the marine environment-what can we learn from the EU experience?  (Key Word : Law of the Sea, Marine Environmental Law, EU Law, UNCLOS)
■ Committees and Associations
1. 2020/04/01~2023/03/31 Japan's rule-making strategy in a transition period of international order- China's rise and renewed cooperation among Japan, the US, and Europe; Japan-Europe cooperation in the context of US-China hegemonic competition