(Last updated : 2024-12-21 07:47:39)
  Hara Yoritoshi
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Commerce
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2025/02 Article "The roles of relational diversity and embeddedness in absorptive capacity enhancement" Industrial Marketing Management 125,pp.48-59 (Collaboration)  Link
2. 2024/11 Article "Legitimacy versus efficiency: Implementation of in-person work in Japanese companies during the COVID-19 pandemic" Journal of Asia Business Studies 18(5),pp.1245-1258 (Collaboration)  Link
3. 2023/02 Article "Vertical and horizontal governance in multiple-channel systems" Journal of Business Research 156(113529) (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2022/01 Article "Changes in industrial network logics: The case of the Japanese retail industry" Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 37(1),pp.1-13 (Single)  Link
5. 2019/10 Article "Integrated marketing channel relationships: Integration dimensions and channel performance" Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 34(6),pp.1360-1373 (Single)  Link
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2024/12 Does psychological ownership enhance project performance? (ANZMAC 2024)
2. 2023/09 The hidden role of property rights in cultural production projects (EMAC Regional Conference 2023)
3. 2023/07 A triad perspective of cross-functional integration (CFI) across new product development (NPD): case study of a multinational Japanese manufacturing company in China (30th EurOMA Conference)
4. 2022/09 How do relationship structures affect knowledge adaptation for value enhancement? (38th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference)
5. 2022/07 Shared ownership and coordination problems in temporary organizations: Filmmaking joint ventures in Japan (38th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium)
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. Freie Universität Berlin, Ph.D. in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.)
2. Meiji University, M.Com.
3. Meiji University, B.Com.
■ researchmap Researcher Code
■ Current Specialized Field
Marketing (Key Word:Marketing Channels, B2B Marketing)