(Last updated : 2024-05-20 09:05:05)
  KAWANO Akimasa
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Law
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2023/12 Article About Signpost “Dang jian bei” and Folk Belief of Child Health “Jiang jun jian” in Southern China  pp.125-142 (Single) 
2. 2006/09 Article Wuchang─as the God of Wealth PTang Hong and Masanori Kikuchi roceedings of the NPU-TUS Bilateral Seminar, Northwestern Polytechnical University and Tokyo University of Science. pp.46-52 (Collaboration) 
3. 2004/09 Article The poison of overflow─A study on Gudu (spiritual poison) in South China Mamtimin Geni and Masanori Kikuchi,Get Together with Interest in Science, Xinjiang University and Tokyo University of Science pp.22-27 (Collaboration) 
■ Conference Presentations
1. 2006/10 (第9回国際アジア民俗学会国際シンポジウム,(国際学会発表 於、湖北省襄樊市南湖賓館))
2. 2006/09 "Wutong─as the God of Wealth, " ("東京理科大学・西北工業大学国際交流協定締結記念セミナー,(於、西北工業大学)")
3. 2005/09 (中国民間文芸協会稲作文化専業委員会・中国原生態稲作民俗文化搶救与保護国際学術研討会,(国際学会発表 於、貴州省黎平県黎平大酒店))
4. 2004/09 The poison of overflow─A study on Gudu (spiritual poison) in South China (東京理科大学・新疆大学国際交流協定締結記念セミナー,(於、新疆大学))
5. 2004/08 (第三回日中比較民俗学シンポジウム,(国際学会発表  於、雲南省怒江リス族自治州六庫鎮))
Display all(6)
■ Academic Qualifications
1. 2002/07/15
Degree Acquisition
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Doctor of Literature
2. 1995/04~2000/03 〔Doctorial Course〕 department of Chinese literature, Graduate School, Division of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Accomplished credits for doctoral program,
3. 1993/04~1995/03 〔Master Course〕 department of Chinese literature, Graduate School, Division of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Completed, bachelor of literature
4. 1988/04~1992/03 department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature, Toyo University, Graduated, Bachelor of Philosophy
■ Career History
1. 2013/04~ Professor
■ Major Subjects
Chinese folklor
■ Email Addresses
■ Current Specialized Field
Cultural anthropology and folklore