(Last updated : 2024-04-03 16:17:52)
  INOUE Masato
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Science and Technology
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2020/11 Book EcoDesign and Sustainability I: Products, Services, and Business Models (Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management)  pp.in-press (Collaboration) 
2. 2020/11 Book EcoDesign and Sustainability II: Social Perspectives and Sustainability Assessment (Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management)  pp.in-press (Collaboration) 
3. 2019/07 Book Transdisciplinary Engineering for Complex Socio-technical Systems   (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2021/08 Article Sustainability Assessment of Reuse and Recycling Management Options for End-of-life Computers- Korean and Japanese Case Study Analysis Recycling 6(55),pp.1-17 (Collaboration)  Link
5. 2021/03 Article A Universal Design Method that Considers Variability in User Requirements: a Case Study of Mechanical Pencil Design Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 15(2) (Collaboration)  Link
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2023/11/30 Design Support System for Product Architecture Considering Multi-Generational Use (EcoDesign 2023)
2. 2023/11/29 Repair Options in Terms of Product Value, Environmental Impact, and Cost for Automobile User (EcoDesign 2023)
3. 2023/09/02 A User-Centered Design Method Based on Evaluation Grid Method and Rough Sets (International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering 2023 & Manufacturing Systems Conference 2023 (JSME iDECON/MS2023))
4. 2021/12/01 Environmental and Economical Design Problem of Upgrading and Remanufacturing Option Selection (EcoDesign 2021)
5. 2021/09/20 COVID-19 pandemic: Analyzing of Restrictions, Medical Care and Prevention Measures in Germany and Japan (European Safety and Reliability (ESREL 2021))
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. 2002/04~2005/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Keio University, Completed,
2. 2000/04~2002/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Keio University, Completed,
3. 1996/04~2000/03 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Keio University, Graduated,
■ Career History
1. 2015/04~2016/03 University of Wuppertal Guest Professor
2. 2015/04~2021/03 Associate Professor
3. 2009/04~2009/11 Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) Visiting Professor
■ Teaching Activities
● Presentations/ Lectures on Educational Method or Practice
1. 2017/07/10 Lecturer, Science and Technology in Japan 2017, Meiji University
2. 2016/07/11 Lecturer, Science and Technology in Japan 2016, Meiji University
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. 2020/04~ Robust Quality Engineering Society
2. 2019/04~2025/03 ∟ Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (JAMDSM), Design & Systems Editorial Committee, Editor
3. 2021/04~2025/03 ∟ Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (JAMDSM), Design & Systems Editorial Committee, Editor
4. 2013/09~2013/11 ∟ The 13th Design Engineering Workshop (DEWS 2013), Secretary
■ Committees and Associations
1. 2020/10/01~2021/09/04 International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering 2021 & Manufacturing Systems Conference 2021 (JSME iDECON/MS 2021) Program Chair Link
2. 2020/06/23~2021/12/03 EcoDesign2021 Local Executive Committee Link
3. 2018/10/05~2019/08/02 26th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2019) Program Chair Link
4. 2018/10/01~ International Society of Transdisciplinary Engineering Council Link
5. 2018/05/01~2019/11/27 EcoDesign2019, Executive Committee Co-chair Link
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■ Web Sites
■ Award History
1. 2018/09 7th International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering (iDECON 2018) 7th International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering (iDECON 2018), Best Paper Award
2. 2018/07 IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2018) IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2018), Outstanding Paper Award
3. 2018/04 Deutsche Gesellschaft der JSPS-Stipendiaten e.V. Deutsche Gesellschaft der JSPS-Stipendiaten e.V., JSPS Alumni Club Award
4. 2015/08 23rd International Conference on Production Research 23rd International Conference on Production Research, Outstanding Paper Award (An Asian Global Supply Chain Network Design for Lower Material Based on CO2 Emissions and Costs)
5. 2012/03 22nd CIRP Design Conference, One of the most Distinguished Papers
■ Current Specialized Field
Design Engineering, Social systems engineering, Design, Human interface 
■ KAKENHI Researcher Number