    (Last updated : 2024-12-29 22:01:27)
  Kuramoto Noboru
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Agriculture
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2019 Article Big in Japan: The importance of riparian corridors for Orthoptera J. Orthopthera Research 28(1),pp.27-35 (Collaboration) 
2. 2018/10 Article Restoration of a metapopulation of Aster kantoensis Kitamura, an endangered floodplain plant endemic to Japan World Lake Conference (17),pp.242-245 (Collaboration) 
3. 2015 Article Noboru Wada Kuramoto volunteers at SHW Volunteers` Newslerrer (November) (Single) 
4. 2012/07 Article Development of microsatellite markers in a riparian shrub, Spiraea thunbergii (Rosaceae). American Journal of Botany 99(7),pp.e283-e285 (Collaboration) 
5. 2009/11 Article Size and age at sexual maturity of female Rana porosa porosa in valley bottoms in Machida City, Tokyo, Japan Current Herpetology 28(2),pp.71-77 (Collaboration) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2021/07/12 Conservation of slope vegetation as a remnant of grasslands in the Tama Hills (EAFES)
2. 2018/12/17 Spreading of alien ‘wild flowers’ (Coreopsis spp.) in the Tama River basin (イギリス生態学会大会2018)
3. 2006/03 Distribution of Aster Kantoensis Kitamura and the change of channel in the Tama River
4. 2002/08 The relationship between road-kill of raccoom dogs and habitat fragmentation in a suburban area in Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan (VIII-INTECOL, Seoul)
5. 2002/07 Decline of Aster kantoensis on Tama River floodplain and seedlings on artificial gravel river bed Society for Conservation Biology 16th Annual Meeting (Canterbury)
■ Academic Qualifications
Degree Acquisition
The University of Tokyo,
Degree Acquisition
The University of Tokyo,
3. 1981/04~1983/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Science, The University of Tokyo, Unfinished course,
4. 1979/04~1981/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Science, The University of Tokyo, Completed, Master of Science
5. 1975/04~1979/03 Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, Graduated,
■ Major Subjects
Restoration ecology
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. 2015~ British Ecological Society
■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1.   Conservation Biology of Secondary vegetation plants  (Key Word : "conservation,,")
2.   Conservation of Aster Kanfoensis  (Key Word : )
3.   Conservation of genetic diversity  (Key Word : population,propagation,)
4.   Conservation of Izu Islands' Ecosystems  (Key Word : ",,")
5.   Environmental Education in Park  (Key Word : ",,")
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■ Email Addresses
■ Current Specialized Field
Horticultural science, Ecology and environment, Conservation of biological resources